Product Manual

Station Setup
If you choose to set up the total station over a marked point
from the plan (Setup on a Known Point Location option, diagram
[1] below), you will need to shoot one point.
If you choose to set up the total station at a random location
(Setup at Any Location option, diagram [2] below), you will
need to shoot two marked points from the plan for angle and
distance measurements, or shoot three points if only angles
are to be measured.
In both cases, you can decide to shoot more points for better
The two possible station setup procedures are described
1. Tap Instrument Setup from the Layout menu.
2. Choose how to set the instrument:
3. Tap Next.
4. Tell Layout Pro whether you want to measure elevation
(Yes/No) then tap Next. If you are setting up on a known
point and you want to measure elevation, first enter the
instrument height, then tap Next.