User's Guide

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User Guide for the Envoy Data Link
Document Number: UG-15000 Rev. A Page 35 of 173
Step 5. View Message Detail
An INCREASE SPEED uplink from the ground
station appears as NEW, closes the REQ SPEED
downlink, and transitions to ACCEPTED upon a
WILCO response from aircrew.
3.4.3 UM (Uplink Message) Instructions That Require Aircrew Response
The Envoy supports building a required response, such as a confirmation, by including all
elements from the UM as input fields (possibly prefilled) at the end of each ATC uplink message
(UM) detail page. This facilitates constructing a well-formed response.
Downlink Responses (no verification)
For UM instructions that require an action response of STANDBY, ROGER, AFFIRM, NEGATIVE,
WILCO or UNABLE, the responses display at LSK L4, L5 and R5 on the message. These
responses do not require verification.
Figure 3-4 Common Responses to Uplinks
If the aircrew presses LSK L5 (UNABLE) on either page, a response is immediately constructed
and sent, without an input (in this example, time). If the aircrew provides a valid time (at LSK R1 on
page 2), the SEND action appears at LSK R6. By pressing LSK R6, the response downlink is sent,
and the ATC MSG LOG displays the original uplink message as closed. The message response is
visible only in the message detail view.
Single Element Instructions that Require Verification
Uplinks that require confirmation display an actionable response (UNABLE, WILCO, STANDBY).
For an uplink that requires one or more inputs, the interface includes a VERIFY action that present
the constructed downlink response and an optional FREE TEXT field to append to the downlink
response to provide explanatory context.