User's Manual

Electronic Tracking Systems
This document and all information contained herein is the sole property of Electronic Tracking Systems
(ETS) and is considered ETS Proprietary Information. This information is not to be released to the press or
other media, and is not public information.
This information is supplied for the use of certain public officials and commercial operations within the
guidelines of an agreement with those individuals or the entities they represent on the express conditions
that they respect and treat said information as ETS Proprietary Information under the guidelines of current
existing U.S. law.
Client agrees to limit disclosure of the nature and operation of the ETS TracPacs and tracking units only to
those trusted employees with a “need-to-know”. Further, Client will caution all employees or others
cognizant of the nature and contents of this agreement, of the nature and operation of the TracPac or
tracking units, and not to disseminate this information.