NX6 DSMX 6-Channel Radio System-Manual

The Model Copy menu enables you to duplicate model
programming from one Model List location to another.
Use Model Copy to:
Save a default model copy before experimenting with
programming values
Expedite programming for a model using a similar
programming setup
IMPORTANT: Copying a model program from one model
memory to another will erase any programming in the “To”
model memory.
To copy model programming:
1. Make sure the model program you wish to copy is active. If
the desired model program is not active, select Cancel and
change the active model in the Model Select menu.
2. Select the model memory next to “To” and scroll to the
desired model memory. Press the scroll wheel once to save
the selection.
3. Select Copy and the Conrm Copy screen appears.
4. Select Copy to conrm. Selecting Cancel will return to the
System Setup screen.
5. Select the “To” model as the current model, then bind the
transmitter and receiver. Copying a model does not copy the
bind from the original model.
You cannot use the Model Copy screen to copy model
programming to an Memory card. To copy model programming to
the Memory card, please see Transfer Memory card”.
Copy Model
Use this selection to permanently delete a model from the model
select list. If you do not wish to delete a model, select Cancel to
exit the page.
1. To delete a model, highlight the model listed. Press to select,
then roll to the model name. Press the scroll wheel to select.
2. Select DELETE to delete the model.
Delete Model
Use this selection to create a new model in the model select list.
1. Select Create New Model. Within this screen, you will have
the option to create a new model or cancel.
2. Select the model type. Choose the aircraft image to dene the
model type for a blank model le, or select Template to load
a template le. A SAFE template and a SAFE Select template
come pre-loaded on your NX6.
Templates are saved in the templates folder on the internal
memory (accessible with the USB connection, new .NSPM
les may be added)
The SAFE template puts the 3 position ight mode switch
(Channel 5) on switch B. The Panic button is on the I button
(Channel 6). SAFE airplanes have a xed conguration in the
receiver and will match this setup after binding.
The SAFE Select template uses the D switch for aps (Channel
5), the A switch for retracts (Channel 6), and the B button
to turn SAFE select ON or OFF (Channel 7). Selecting this
template alone will not enable SAFE Select, it must be done
during the bind process. Also, the switch must be assigned in
the receiver after binding, and the ap travel values need to be
applied. See your airplane manual for more information.
3. If you select Cancel, the system will return to the Model
Select function.
4. If you select Create, the new model will be created and now
be available in the model select list.
WARNING: Complete a preight check before
attempting to y any model with a new model le or
template. If you have the controls set up incorrectly for your
aircraft, it may result in loss of control and a crash.
Create New Model