Instruction Manual

The Swash Type menu option assigns the swash type for your
particular helicopter model.
Select the Swash Type before completing any programming in
the Function List. The Swash Type will affect menu options in the
Function List.
This function supports adjustment of collective pitch in 5 flight
To adjust the Pitch Curve:
1. Select the Pitch Curve you wish to edit (N, 1 or 2).
2. Scroll right to select the points on the curve and edit the
respective values.
3. Press the BACK button to save the Pitch Curves and return to
the Function List.
CAUTION: Always do a Control Test of your model with the transmitter after programming changes to make sure your model
responds as desired.
NOTICE: Refer to your helicopter, gyro and governor manuals for programming recommendations.
The collective type is used to turn on “Pull” collective for reversed
collective. Available settings are Normal and Reverse. Press NEXT
from the Swashplate Type screen to access the Collective Type
screen. The Collective Type allows the throttle/pitch stick to operate
in reverse and ensures trims, curves and all other functions that
are to work in reverse function properly.
Swash Type
Collective Type
Pitch Curve
To change the Helicopter Icon:
From the Collective Type Screen, select NEXT at the bottom right of
the screen. This will access the Heli image screen. Scroll to the icon
and click once. Roll the scroll wheel left or right for optional icons.