Instruction Manual

Problem Possible Cause Solution
Vehicle Oscillates
(wobbles or shakes) at
high speeds
Steering gain is too high Reduce steering gain
Vehicle responds
strangely to controls
Receiver not properly
Confi rm servo direction
and travel are correct,
then re-bind and re-
calibrate the receiver
Vehicle setup changed
after calibration
Receiver not mounted
Confi rm the receiver is truly
at, it cannot be mounted
at an odd angle.
Receiver won’t fi nish
the calibration
Travel adjust is below 80%
on steering or throttle
Increase travel adjust and
re-calibrate. See page
19 for more information
about setting up vehicles
with a mechanical brake.
Driver expects AVC
should be turned off,
but it is still turned on
AVC menu is inhibited, but
AUX values are at neutral,
which works out to 50%
gain but with no priority.
Disable AVC during
binding, or change AVC
menu to on and set all gain
values to 0