Instruction Manual

AVC may be disabled during binding.
1. Connect power to the receiver and quickly
press and release the bind button
three times (within 1.5 seconds).
2. Press and hold the bind button and to put the receiver in bind mode. release
the buton when the LED starts to fl ash rapidly, indicating it is in bind mode.
When the AVC system has been disabled, the LED on the receiver will show
three fl ashes upon power up, and then remain lit. The receiver is bound and
operating normally when the LED remains illuminated.
TIP: If the AVC feature in the receiver is active and the AVC menu in the
transmitter is Inhibited, AVC functions will default to the AUX 1 and AUX 2
operation, and in this scenario, AVC will not work correctly.
Selecting INH in the AVC menu on your transmitter will not
disable AVC.
AVC technology requires at least 80% travel on steering and throttle in all
directions to complete calibration. If you have reduced travel to below 80%,
you must increase the travel above 80% to complete calibration.
For vehicles with a mechanical brake, very little servo travel is used to apply
braking force. In this case it is common to reduce throttle travel for braking well
below 80%. To calibrate a vehicle with a mechanical brake, increase the brake
travel above 80% whenever the vehicle is calibrated (bound), then change the
braking travel back to the travel setting for your brakes.
For the best AVC performance, use the AVC menu on your Spektrum
transmitter to tune and manage AVC settings.
Order of operations for AVC setup
1. Install the receiver in your vehicle
2. Bind the vehicle and complete the calibration procedure.
3. Set up servo sub trim, reversing and travel to suit your vehicle.
4. Re-bind and complete calibration again so calibration matches the model setup.
5. Drive the vehicle with no gain on AVC settings to verify your travel and other
basic settings. If any changes are made re-bind and re-calibrate.
6. Follow the AVC tuning procedure in this manual.