How-To Guide

Wave & Comet Functions
When choosing either the Wave or
Comet functions from the list of available
pattern movements for a custom
sequence. For a custom sequence you
must select more than 5 colors to
activate that sequence.
Pulsing Light
In the default patterns on the first page
there are many pulsing light patterns. To
create your own pulsing colors and
patterns, try filling the entire sequence
bar with the maximum amount of
sequence numbers with your chosen
color. Then have one sequence space for
your chosen color that pulses through the
entire system.
Chase Patterns
Custom chase patterns can be tricky. The
more blanks or numbers in the sequence
bar, the more you are able to control the
speed of the chasing program. The chase
pattern will be very fast if only 1 of each
is chosen. Choose a larger quantity of
blanks or solid colors between a chasing
color to achieve your desired speed and
+10 +0
+0 +0 +0
+1 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30 +30
10 RED and 10 BLUE moving through the system
Only 1 RED moving through the system
+30 +30
+30 +30 +30
+0 +0
+0 +0 +0
Only 5 RED moving through all green in the system
Only 1 RED moving with 7 lights that are off following
Build Your Own Sequence
The following chart shows the features and methods to build your own sequence for unlimited patterns.
Color Options
All the colors outlined in the small gray line
are all default colors and cannot be
adjusted. All remaining colors are
adjustable for dimming and color hue
Steps #1
Choosing a holiday or pattern to adjust or
create your own. Once the pattern is
chosen, the pre-saved sequence appears.
The user can easily drag any of the colors
above down into any slot within the
sequence space.
Steps #2
The user may choose any type of
movement for the pattern that was created
in Step #1. For no movement, choose
Steps #3
To increase or decrease the brightness of
the lights or the speed of which the
patterns are moving.
Custom Colors
Simply push and hold on any of the colors
that are not inside the small gray lines to
allow the user to adjust to any color
within 16 million colors and hues.
Sequence Quantities
The quantity of each color in the
sequence can be adjusted by touching
any of the spaces in the sequencing bar
and entering the desired quantity on the
number pad. If a blank is desired in the
sequence, drag the BK color from the
color spectrum into the sequencing bar.
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