Installation Manual

SpiderCloud Radio Node - SCRN-320 Hardware Installation Guide
Radio Node LED Boot Sequence
The radio node state machine is sequential and progresses in the following order:
State 0 -> State 1 -> State 2 -> State 3 -> State 4 -> State 5
A normal boot sequence transitions through all these states sequentially and the LED state transitions
accordingly. If the radio node fails to transition to the next state, the system restarts the boot sequence,
starting with State 0. You can determine the progress during the booting stages by observing the LED color
transitions. On failure, the last LED state will display the state that encountered the failure. Table 6 shows
the radio node boot sequence and corresponding LED behavior:
Table 6: Radio Node LED Boot Sequence
State LED Color Description Possible Failures and Actions
0. Power On/
This is the initial state on startup.
The radio node bootup is controlled by
firmware in this state.
It will go through a lamp test in this
state. A lamp test involves cycling
through all LED colors.
This state should be very short
lived and should transition to the
next state immediately.
A radio node should not stay in
this state indefinitely.
Note: Flashing Green is also
used to indicate a radio node
that has been administratively
disabled. This can be
determined from the CLI.
1. DHCP Solid
The radio node starts by sending out a
DHCP Request.
The radio node moves to the next state
(State 2) upon receiving a DHCP
response and an IP Address.
No DHCP Response, IP
Address not allocated.
Check cabling, DHCP Server
2. Join Solid
The radio node has an IP Address and
sends a UDP Join request to the
Serving services node.
The radio node moves to the next state
(State 3) upon getting a JOIN GRANT
from the services node.
No IP reachability to the
services node.
Check IP network between
radio node and services node
for routing issues.
3. TFTP Flashing
The radio node proceeds next to
download the operating system image
from the services node.
The radio node moves to the next state
(State 4) after the image has been
Failure to download TFTP
Check firewall between radio
node and services node.
SpiderCloud Wireless, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential