Installation Manual

SpiderCloud Radio Node - SCRN-320 Hardware Installation Guide
To disable the LED display
Step 1 From the Configuration Mode, issue the set System RadioNode LED DefaultMode
Dark command to disable the LED display:
set System RadioNode LED DefaultMode Dark
Step 2 Issue the show System RadioNode LED command to verify the configuration:
show System RadioNode LED
DefaultMode Dark;
To re-enable the LED display
Step 1 From the Configuration Mode, issue the set System RadioNode LED DefaultMode
Standard command to re-enable the LED display:
set System RadioNode LED DefaultMode Standard
Step 2 Issue the show System RadioNode LED command to verify the configuration:
show System RadioNode LED
DefaultMode Standard;
The SpiderCloud Documentation Set
The SpiderCloud documentation set includes:
•The SpiderCloud System Description provides an overview of how the SpiderCloud system fits
within an operator’s network and in an enterprise, describes key features of the system, and
provides specifications for the services and radio nodes.
•The SpiderCloud Feature Description provides high-level descriptions of the E-RAN system
features, their impact on the product components (services nodes and radio nodes),
manageability considerations, and feature benefits.
•The SpiderCloud OS (SCOS) Administrator Guide provides procedures for configuring the
software environment and internetworking between the services node and radio node devices.
•The SpiderCloud Services Node Hardware Installation Guide provides hardware specifications
and installation instructions.
•The SpiderCloud Radio Node Hardware Installation Guide provides hardware specifications and
installation instructions.
•The E-RAN Deployment Planning Guide provides information about planning and dimensioning
E-RAN systems.
•The SpiderCloud OS (SCOS) CLI User Guide provides an introduction to the key features and
functionalities of the SpiderCloud Command Line Interface (CLI).
•The SCOS NB Data Model Reference Guide provides details about the objects and parameters
that comprise the system configuration and operational state.
•The SpiderCloud OS Faults, Conditions, and Events Reference Guide provides details about
all alarms, conditions, and events in the system.
•The SpiderCloud System Commissioning Guide provides information about turning up a
SpiderCloud E-RAN with the Local Configuration Interface (LCI) graphical user interface.
•The Performance Measurements for Dual-Mode Small-Cell E-RANs provides a reference guide
to UMTS and LTE Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that monitor the health and state of the E-
RAN system.
SpiderCloud Wireless, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential