User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Tech-X Flex Base Unit User Guide Issue 1
5: IP and Video Testing 5-17
Discards Total number of packets discarded by the jitter buffer emulator containing data for
the respective frame type; for example, the total number of packets discarded
containing I-frame data. These results are packet counts, not frame counts.
Impairments Total number of frames errored, by type. A frame is considered errored if a single
packet containing data for it is lost or discarded.
FEC Effect Calculated effectiveness forward error correction if it were applied to the stream.
Opt FEC Blk Size Number of packets in an FEC block which is used when calculating the FEC
Opt FEC Crct Pkts Number of correctable packets in an FEC block which is used when calculating
the FEC effectiveness.
Peak/Mean Rcv
Ratio of peak packet receive rate to the mean receive rate.
Table 5-11 Video QoS - Stream results, Stream Description tab
Result Description
GOP Type GOP structure type of the stream. If the structure was detected by the analysis,
this value represents the detected structure. Otherwise, it represents the default
specified at test launch.
For details on possible values, see Setup - Video Quality of Service on
page 5-8.
GOP Length GOP length on the stream; that is, the total number pictures in a single GOP. If
the structure was detected by the analysis, this value represents the detected
structure. Otherwise, it represents the default specified at test launch.
Receive Rate Speed of frames received, in kbits/sec.
Pk Rcv Rate Peak speed of frames received, in kbits/sec.
Table 5-10 Video QoS - Stream results, Stream Metrics tab
Result Description