
The Mid-Hi Tune and the LC-EQ filter complement each other in
an ideal fashion. While the Mid-Hi Tune sets the frequency above
which the programme material is lifted and below which the
damping takes place, the LC-EQ and Intensity controls come in
place to extract certain frequencies from this process. This is very
helpful, when you are processing material with lead vocals: Using
the Mid-Hi Tune will generally damp some speech frequencies
and the voice moves into the mix loosing a bit of its presence. Use
the LC-EQ to catch the voice and the Intensity control to bring it
back up front. It especially improves the presence on vocals.
The Stereo Expander potentiometer controls the width of the
stereo image.Working on established inter-channel phase princi-
ples, the Stereo Expander control is be used to increase the
subjective soundstage width of any stereo source. The off-center
signals of the stereo source are detected and fed back to the
opposite channel phase inverted. This effect can be applied to
overall mixes as well as to single instruments which have been
recorded in stereo.Very interesting is the spreading of the stereo
image of overhead mics of drum-sets or choruses or horn
The second Sovtek 12AX7 tube is used in the Stereo Expander
which gives the stereo sound pleasant depth and reduces shar-
pness of the off-centre sounds.Centre-sounds of the stereo image
are usually reduced in this process. However, the tube characteri-
stics helps centre-sounds to maintain their position in the mix
and to add a bit of clarity and separation.
Even when using the Stereo Expander to the max the stereo
image will remain mono-compatible.
In case you want to monitor the Stereo Expander in isolation,
switch Active on and set the Process and Intensity controls fully
counter clockwise.