Installation Guide

When your dog is comfortably accepting e-collar pressure while remaining seated, you can start to use the e-collar for
correction on the “Stay” command. After successfully seating your dog, command “Stay,” deliver a brief correction and
command “Stay” again. Watch for the acceptance response and do not move ahead until you get it. Call your dog to you and
repeat the process several times without e-collar stimulation. Repeat the “Stay”-brief correction-“Stay” at other locations
and repeat this process until your dog is the picture of perfection, remaining seated even when distractions tempt it to get
up and move.
Your dog learned to heel beside you earlier in the program, and transferring this command to e-collar correction is simple.
Walk your dog on-leash and change directions. As the leash tightens, command “Heel,” give a brief correction with the
collar and command “Heel” again. It is important to apply the brief correction at the same time the leash is tight instead
of when the dog is coming to you. Reward with verbal praise and a stroke on the shoulder until you see the acceptance
swallow. Repeat this routine as you walk together in various locations until your dog is comfortable.
Your dog is now conditioned to accept the e-collar while coming, heeling, or sitting on command. It is time to mix the
commands into a full “Here”-“Heel”-“Sit” drill. Use your brief correction at varying times as your dog allows and as before,
avoid successive brief corrections or multiple brief corrections in the same area. You can increase the number of brief
corrections as long as you pay close attention to your dog’s attitude. Toss a few bumpers to chase when necessary to
relieve pressure and pour on the positive rewards as needed.
Your dog understands the “Down” command and can perform it without any trouble by now if you did your homework.
Now you can easily add the e-collar to this routine in the same fashion as before. Place your dog in the “Down” position
with a verbal command. Command “Down” again, give a brief correction with the e-collar and repeat “Down.” Watch how
your dog reacts, looking for the acceptance signals. Praise with a stroke on the shoulder and verbally. As before, you need
to condition this with repetition.