user manual

6300/6310 Treadmill Electronics Repair Manual – Testing
Emergency Stop Knob Signal Diagram
Emergency Stop Knob Operation
Note: When not pressed down (left), the emergency stop knob circuit has continuity. When pressed
down (right), the emergency stop knob circuit is an open line; there is no continuity.
1. While unit is in operation, press the emergency stop knob down. The circuit loses continuity.
The display beeps once. Treadmill action stops. On 6300, the display main window shows: “_ _ _ _”.
On 6310, the display main window shows: “RESET EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON”.
2. Rotate the emergency stop knob clockwise to reset. Emergency stop knob pops up. Circuit continuity
is regained. Start up display appears.
Display Board
Emergency Stop Knob
2-pin wire