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9 – Physical and Chemical Properties
Boiling Point: -44 – 341°F (Propellant) Specific Gravity: 0.9713
Solubility in Water: Partial pH: Not Applicable
Vapor Pressure: Not available Vapor Density: Greater than 1
Percent Volatile: Not Established VOC: Not Established
Coefficient of
Water/Oil Distribution:
Not Determined Appearance/Odor Aerosol foam with a
mild glycol ether odor.
Flash Point: Not flammable per
Flame Extension Test
LEL: 1.1% UEL: 10.6%
10 – Stability and Reactivity
Stability: Stable
Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur.
Conditions to Avoid: Avoid heat, sparks, flames and other sources of ignition.
Incompatibilities: Avoid strong oxidizers, strong bases, acids and chlorinated solvents.
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Burning can produce carbon monoxide and/or carbon
11 – Toxicological Information
No data is available for the product as a whole. The following information is available for the
individual components:
2-Butoxyethanol: Inhalation Rat LC50 4-HR: 450 ppm; Acute oral rat LD50: 1,480 mg/kg; Acute
Dermal rabbit LD50: 490 kg/kg; Irritation, Skin, rabbit, open, 500 mg: MILD; Irritation, Eye, rabbit,
18 mg: Severe
Liquefied Petroleum Gas: No toxicity data is available
None of the components of this product is listed as a carcinogen or suspected carcinogen or is
considered a reproductive hazard.
12 – Ecological Information
No data is currently available.
13 - Disposal Considerations
Aerosol containers should not be punctured, compacted in home trash compactors or incinerated.
Empty containers may be disposed of through normal waste management options. Dispose of all
waste product, absorbents, and other materials in accordance with applicable Federal, state and
local regulations.
14 – Transportation Information_
DOT Surface Shipping Description: Consumer Commodity, ORM-D
IMDG Shipping Description: UN1950, Aerosols, 2.1, LTD QTY
15 – Regulatory Information
U.S. Federal Regulations:
CERCLA 103 Reportable Quantity: This product is not subject to CERCLA reporting
requirements, however, oil spills are reportable to the National Response Center under the Clean
Water Act and many states have more stringent release reporting requirements. Report spills
required under federal, state and local regulations.
Hazard Category For Section 311/312: Acute Health, Chronic, Pressure Hazard
Section 313 Toxic Chemicals: This product contains the following chemicals subject to SARA
Title III Section 313 Reporting requirements: 2-butoxyethanol <15% by wt. (glycol ether