Config Guide

The SPOT X Message Usage section displays the following message usage information for the current billing period:
Device Name – Displays the name of the SPOT X.
Text Used – Displays the current total text messages (sent & received) used and the maximum number of text
messages allowed before overages will be incurred.
Example: 35/50 where 35 is the current total of text messages used and 50 is the maximum number allowed
before overages will be incurred.
Text Sent – Displays the total free-form texts sent by the SPOT X.
Text Received – Displays the total texts received by the SPOT X.
Predefined Sent Displays the total Predefined Messages sent by the SPOT X. Sending Predefined Messages
are free and do not count as free-form text messages.
Text Overages – Displays the total text messages (sent & received) that exceed the maximum number of text
messages allowed by the SPOT X Service Plan.
Overage Total – Displays the total cost of text messages that have exceeded the number of text messages
allowed by the SPOT X Service Plan. The Overage Total will appear on your next invoice.
Next Billing Date – Displays the date when the next billing cycle begins.