Product Info

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6. The maximum current the solar charger chip on the ST100 board will accept is about 100mA, regardless of
solar panel size.
7. If connecting a 5V source to the solar input, the source must be current limited to 100mA.
8. The external serial port consists of 4 GPIO pins connected to the ST100 Bluetooth processor.
9. The 24.5dBm is the conducted power going into the antenna.
4 Application Programming Interface
The ST100 Board provides a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) GATT/Modem interface for controlling the operation of the
device. Commands are used to send information over the simplex network, operate the GPS engine, and monitor the
internal operation of the device. The following types of commands are provided by the ST100 Interface:
Simple ASCII Text commands for basic operation.
Legacy binary commands, primarily emulating the interface of the STINGR product
4.1 ASCII Command List and Format
The ST100 Board accepts a set of ASCII commands to query the board for status, and to cause it to perform various
Commands take the form of a “keyword” and a variable number of arguments, in the same form of command line
arguments in a Windows or Linux command prompt window.
4.1.1 ASCII Format
Command <arg1> <arg2> <arg3> … <argn> <CR>
Where the “CR” is an Ascii Carriage Return or Enter (Decimal value of 13). “?”
Print a list of commands.
Command: ?
Arguments: None
Example: ?
Example response:
Commands List: