Product Info

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06/18/20 Subject to Change without Notice P a g e | 52
0 7
Always a value of 0xAA.
0 7
0 7
Command Code.
0x70 = “Set Lifetime
3 - 4
Will contain the response CRC
The first time the unit gets a GPS fix after this command is issued, an end date will be calculated.
The factory default lifetime is 1 month. If this command is never issued, the unit will expire 1 month after getting its first
GPS fix.
Until it has gotten that first fix and calculated its expiration date, any command that would cause it to transmit without
first obtaining a GPS fix will be NAKed.
A value of 0 is a special case and will cause today to be the end date. The device lifetime will expire, and it will cease to
operate at midnight GMT on the day that it gets its first fix after this command is issued.
If the value is nonzero, the first time the unit gets a GPS fix after this command is issued it will calculate an end date, its
final date of operation, that is on this day of the month, that many months hence.
If the “expiration month” has fewer days than the day it got its fix (e.g. it got its first fix on the 31
of the month and the
expiration month has 30 days) the last day of the expiration month will be its last day of operation.
Once the unit has “expired”, it will not engage its satellite transmitter, and any command that would result in one or
more satellite transmissions will be NAKed. It will drop out of track mode if in track mode. Simple query commands (e.
g. querying for its ESN or firmware versions) will still work.
Lifetime is set for 12 months and unit gets its first fix after setting the lifetime on Jan. 21, 2020: Last day of
operation will be Jan 21, 2021. Beginning Jan. 22, 2021, the unit will be shutdown.
Lifetime is set for 18 months and unit gets its first fix after setting the lifetime on Mar. 31, 2020: Last day of
operation will be Sep. 30, 2021. Beginning Oct. 1, 2021, unit will be shut down.
Lifetime is set for 1 month (or never set) and unit gets its first fix: Last day of operation will be the same day next
month. If it gets a fix on the 31
of the month, and the following month has fewer than 31, days, last day of
operation will be the last day of next month.