Safety Notice

Table Of Contents
Spotwave Wireless Inc.
Appendix A – Applications overview
SpotCell 100 operates in the 800 MHz cellular frequency band, is A or
B sub-band specific, installed in a location where a cellular handset has
poor or non-existent coverage. Poor coverage may be a result of signal
degradation due to terrain or urban environmental influences such as
buildings, tunnels or underground garages. It may also be a result of
the user being in a fringe area or outside of the known existing cellular
coverage area.
The coverage area provided is typically up to 10,000 square feet (930
square metres) for an office area and up to 20,000 square feet (1,850
square metres) for an open area, and varies depending on a number of
A.1 Components and Installation
SpotCell 100 complements the existing cellular infrastructure, filling in
coverage holes in buildings within a base station coverage area.