User's Guide

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42 SpotCell
C.2.2 DU Antenna Summary
Gain 11.5 dBi
Azimuth Beamwidth 46°
Elevation Beamwidth 36°
Front-to-Back 25 dB
Vertically Polarized
C.3 Architecture
Frequency Band
Passband Bandwidth
Full A, D, B, E, F, C band and sub-band (C1, C2, C3, C4,
C5) selectivity
5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20 MHz
*Start/stop receive band frequency must be specified at time of order.
Formats Supported CDMA
Coverage Area Fully adaptive, supports multiple simultaneous users
Up to 20,000 Sq feet (50,000 sq.ft. in open areas)
System Gain Uplink Automatic, fully adaptive, Maximum 81 dB (including
System Gain Downlink Automatic, fully adaptive, maximum 92dB (including
Downlink Operating
-106 to –44 dBm (Rx Isotropic Power)
Input Overload Protection Uplink: Fully adaptive
Downlink: Fully adaptive
Maximum Output Levels
Uplink: Fully adaptive, up to +30 dBm EIRP (Composite)
Downlink: Fully adaptive up to +7 dBm EIRP (Composite)
Third Order Intercept
Uplink: +50 dBm EIRP
Downlink: +30 dBm EIRP
Power Supply 7.5 VDC and 10.25 VDC universal power adapter that
connects to the Indoor Unit; Donor Unit power is supplied
via the RF cable
Power Consumption < 28 W