Product Card

The PUCK Blue is also a peripheral for tablets for corporate payment in corporate restaurants,
or the reading of loyalty cards. You put the card on the PUCK Blue and the data is send to the
connected tablet.
The PUCK Blue is a simple and complete solution for iOS/Android and PC.
The PUCK Blue is also an interface between your applications and BLE objects. In fact PUCK
Blue, when it operates in BLE is detected and connected to a tablet (itself also in BLE). It means
that when the smartphone is placed on the PUCK Blue, it is able to read the information.
The PUCK Blue OEM can be enbedded in devices whose access should be secured. Another use
possibility from the PUCK Blue is to place it at the entry of meeting rooms and when you put
your corporate card or your smartphone on the PUCK you will be able to enter the room.
The PUCK Blue can be installed in corporate restaurants for you to be able to pay your meal by
putting your corporate card or smartphone on the PUCK Blue. This device can allow you to stop
using payment terminals which are more expensive than the PUCK.
Shops will be able to use the PUCK Blue especially to manage customer loyalty in their shops.
PUCK Blue is able to read loyalty cards which will simplify your life.
The PUCK Blue can also be used in spy mode, this mode allows you to identify people around
the product who carry a device connected in BLE. This functionnality doesn’t change the fact
that the PUCK Blue is operating in NFC. It can also read beacons which means that merchants
will be able to send coupons and advertisement when customers in their shops have a phone
connected to Bluetooth.
SpringBlue is an application based on Bluetooth
Smart technology compliant with PUCK
Blue. This application will allow a customisable reach without changing the antenna, the
readers are exible too. SpringBlue allows you to reduce the energy consumption and the cost
of your Bluetooth Low Energy applications. The typical types of uses are: loyalty programs,
event access control, hand-free access control, individual vrtual wallet, virtual parking ticket,
presales services.