User Manual

1 3 4 5 6 72
1. Fine spaghetti
2. Normal spaghetti
3. Thick spaghetti / udon noodles
4. Thin ribbon pasta
5. Broad ribbon pasta
6. Penne
7. Lasagne
Knead: manual mode for kneading
Extrude: manual mode for pressing out
the dough
Progress indicator: kneading, mixing,
pressing out
Measured grams
Recommended millilitres of liquid
Plain Pasta: quick programme for pasta
without egg, including kneading and
pressing out. The process takes about
10 minutes.
Egg Pasta: programme for pasta with egg,
including kneading, dough resting, and
pressing out. The process takes about
16 minutes.
Scale/Tare: function to set the scale
back to 0.
Start/Reset: start a process, reset
the programme, or cancel an ongoing
programme by pressing and holding the
button for 3 seconds.