
Power consum ptio n 320 watts
Power 110-120V / 60Hz
Ra te d current 6.45A
Operating te m pe rature 50 to 100°F
Supplie d water tem perature 41 to 90°F
Ice storage capacity 15 lbs m ax im um
Ice m ak ing capacity up to 110 lbs per day
Ice cube size (a pprox) 1.5" H x 1" Dia m ete r
Re frige rant R134a / 155g
Wate r supply hose length 5 feet
Drain hose length (gravity-pulle d) 5 feet
Unit dim e nsion 15.75W x 22D x 26.75H inches
Box dim ension 20 X 26 X 31 inche s
Net weight 71 lbs
Shipping we ight 87 lbs
* Technical data and pe rformance index is for reference only. Actual qua ntity of ice produced pe r day will vary with room
and water conditio ns.

Summary of content (1 pages)