Use and Care Manual

Make sure the connections are secure so there will be no leaks.
Direct the hose towards the drain, be sure there are no kinks that will stop the water flow.
Continuous drain is gravity-pulled, be sure the hose is level or going downwards to allow
water to flow smoothly.
Place the bucket back in place and make sure it is seated properly.
When continuous drain is not being used, remove the drain hose assembly.
3. Pump drainage
Water can be automatically emptied into a drain or a suitable drainage
facility by attaching the pump drain hose to the pump drain out ( OD =
¼” , supplied).
If continuous drainage is installed: remove the continuous drain hose
and the drain hose subassembly from the unit. Replace the plastic
cover to the continuous drain hose outlet with the two screws. (Fig.8)
Connect the pump drain hose to the drain hose outlet. Connection should
have a depth of at least 0.6 inches (Fig.9)
Lead the water hose to the floor drain or suitable drainage facility.
Press the “PUMP” button to activate pump. Pump will begin to operate
when the water in the bucket reaches a pre-determined level.
Note: The pump may make some noise during initial operation (3 to 5 minutes). This is normal.
Make sure the hose connection is secure so there will be no leaks.
Make sure the hose has no kinks or sharp bends.
Note: If the Pump Indicator light blinks, this indicates a pump operational
failure. Please turn off the unit and unplug, then check the following:
Clean the filter of the pump - Remove bucket from the unit. Remove the
pump and clean filter. (Fig.10)
Check and make sure the drain hose is not kinked or blocked.
Empty the water in the bucket.
Reinstall the pump and bucket properly. Turn unit back on. If
problem persists, call for service.
Note: Do not use Pump operation when outdoor temperature is 32°F or
below. Water may become iced and block the drainage, leading to unit failure.
When pump drain feature is not being used, remove the pump drain hose. Press down on
the pump drain outlet to remove hose (Fig 11). Be cautious as water inside the hose may