User's Manual Addendum

5 27.015 25 27.245
6 27.025 26 27.265
7 27.035 27 27.275
8 27.055 28 27.285
27.065 29 27.295
10 27.075 30 27.305
11 27.085 31 27.315
12 27.105 32 27.325
13 27.115 33 27.335
14 27.125 34 27.345
15 27.135 35 27.355
16 27.155 36 27.365
17 27.165 37 27.375
18 27.175 38 27.385
19 27.185 39 27.395
20 27.205 40 27.405
See paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) Channel 9 may be used only for emergency communications or for traveler assistance.
(c) You must, at all times and on all channels, give priority to emergency communication messages concerning the
immediate safety of life or the immediate protection of property.
(d) You may use any channel for emergency communications or for traveler assistance.
(e) You must share each channel with other users.
(f) The FCC will not assign any channel for the private or exclusive use of any particular CB station or group of stations.
(g) The FCC will not assign any channel for the private of exclusive use of CB stations transmitting single sideband or
§95.408 (CB Rule 8) How high may I put my antenna?
(a) Antenna means the radiating system (for transmitting, receiving or both) and the structure holding it up (tower, pole
or mast). It also means everything else attached to the radiating system and the structure.
(b) If your antenna is mounted on a hand-held portable unit, none of the following limitations apply.
(c) If your antenna is installed at a fixed location, it (whether receiving, transmitting or both) must comply with either one
of the following:
(1) The highest point must not be more than 6.10 meters (20 feet) higher than the highest point of the building
or tree on which it is mounted; or
(2) The highest point must not be more than 18.3 meters (60 feet) above the ground.