Standback amp stand

March 2008 Guitarist 153
The 2 Wah actually includes a
total of six differently voiced wahs
and, although you can only access
two of them at any one time, the
breadth of tone available and the
potential for serious versatility is
already a given.
There are two basic modes –
high and low – which are further
divided into a trio of choices for
each. An attack control, also sited
on what passes for a front panel on
any wah, allows for an efficient
fine-tuning of the effect.
The trick with the 2 Wah lies
in the subtle manipulation of the
treadle. As you’d expect, pushing
forward turns the wah on and off,
and we found that it didn’t really
require too much pressure to
operate the switch.
Heeling down on the treadle
engages a second switch, one that
toggles between the low and high
modes; you simply need to choose
which of the three relevant
settings of each you want to use
and away you go.
The sounds are described as
recreations of classic and vintage
wahs, and Carl Martin’s
recommendation of using one for
your rhythm duties and another
for your solo work proves an
effective approach.
There’s no getting away from the
sheer quality of the wahs that
are on offer here, but we did find
that an overly exuberant rocking of
the treadle did tend to cause us to
inadvertently change modes,
which was a shame.
Ve rdic t
This is an impressive wah –
well-made and at a good
price. We’d suggest
trying it first, as flicking
between modes can
become a little too
easy, but the sounds
on offer are as good as
we expect from Carl
Martin. [SB]
The bottom line
We like: The concept is a good
one and the tones are uniformly
We dislike: That mode switch is
a little too sensitive.
Anyone with multiple pedals
running at the standard 9V DC has
plenty of options for powering
them all from a mains supply – the
Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 Plus
being one extremely elegant
solution – but what about AC
powered pedals? After all, there
are certainly plenty of those
around these days .
Okay, you could just use
individual wall warts, but if you
have more than one AC powered
pedal and limited ’board space
Voodoo Lab may again have the
solution. The Pedal Power AC
provides power to four pedals via
two 9V AC outputs and two that
are switchable between either 9V
or 12V. It comes with IEC power
lead and a set of six connecting
cables – four for pedals with
2.5mm connectors, two for 2.1 mm.
Other custom cables are available
from Voodoo Lab.
In Use
Up and running, the use of a
toroidal transformer in the unit
along with completely isolated
outputs ensures noise free
operation and, although by no
means tiny, the Pedal Power AC’s
squat 1U profile means it should fit
relatively unobtrusively onto your
pedalboard, taking up a lot less
space than individual adapters
would and certainly looking tidier.
It can even be used in conjunction
(by male to female IEC) with its
DC sibling.
Ve rdic t
If you are running more than one
AC pedal
this is a no-
Combine it
with a Pedal
Power 2 Plus and
you have a huge
amount of potential in
what effects you can
add to your pedalboard.
Voodoo Lab Pedal
Power AC
The bottom line
We like: A convenient way to
get those AC-dependent boxes
working together
We dislike: Nothing really, but it
is quite heavy
CONTACT: Sounds Great PHONE: 0161 436 4799 WEB:
Convenient all-in-one power for those big pedals
Carl Martin 2 Wah £119
CONTACT: First Line PHONE: 01626 830336 WEB:
To wah or nor to wah, that is the question… try one of six here
More wah than
you’ll know what
to do with
Power to the pedals.
Well, the AC kind
at least…
GIT300.rev_quick 153 28/1/08 12:35:41