User's Guide

Standalone System
Add/Remove User(s)
Programing Mode
1 Inserts key, unlocks the lock, then re-locks the lock and unlocks it a second time (do this
within a ve-second window of time).
2 A visual cue for “Enter Programming Mode” will occur, along with an audio cue.
Programming Time Out
1 After putting lock in “Programming Mode,” if there is no proximity card interaction for 10
seconds, the activity will time out.
2 A “Leave Programming Mode” visual cue will occur, along with an audio cue.
3 Lock will return to normal operating mode.
Add User
1 While in “Programming Mode,” present the proximity card (do not present card a second
time within two seconds).
2 The card data will be added to the ACL as a normal operator.
3 A visual cue for “Card Added to Stand-Alone ACL” will occur, along with an audio cue.
4 Programming mode counter will reset to 10 seconds.
Remove User
1 While in “Programming Mode,” present the proximity card twice in rapid succession.
2 The card data will be removed from the ACL.
3 A visual cue for “Card Removed from Stand-Alone ACL” will occur, along with an audio
4 Programming mode counter will reset to 10 seconds.
Battery Functionality
Replace Battery
1 Open front panel and remove battery pack.
2 Insert new battery pack.
3 If battery power level is sufcient, lock will automatically power up and resume normal 
4 If installation is successful, any “Low Battery Mode” visual or audio cues will cease.