User's Manual

3. Select the reader(s) from Readers in Facility.
4. Select Add <<. The selected readers are moved from the Readers in Facility list to the
Readers Associated with User list on the left. You can associate a user with any number
of readers.
5. Select Finish to save your settings and return to the Users Tab.
User Groups
If User Groups have been created for your facility, these will already be associated with readers.
For example, a User Group may have been defined for Laboratory Building 1. Laboratory
Building 1 might have six readers. By assigning the user to the Laboratory Building 1 Users Group,
they will automatically be associated with all the readers in that group.
A User Group may also be defined as a Timezone Group. Timezone User Groups further define
access levels for the Master Timezone. You can restrict access of certain groups of employees to a
specific time period. For example, you may have a housekeeping group designated as a Timezone
Group with restricted access to dormitories from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., weekdays only. You would
then assign users from the housekeeping department to this group. For more information about
creating Timezone Groups, see the Administrator’s Guide. Steps to add users to User Groups are
presented in the following section.
To add a user to a User Group:
1. When adding or editing a User, in the Associations Category, click in the User Groups
field and click the ellipsis button. The User Groups of User dialog box opens.