User's Manual

Drag column headers to
the gray field at the top of
the list.
Click a plus sign to expand
the selection.
In this example, we placed Transactions at the top of the tree; however, you can place them in
any hierarchy you wish. When you select the plus sign next to the top level, the second and third
level items expand to display. It’s easy to create a Transactions Tree: simply drag and drop the
column headers into position.
Responding to Alarms
When an alarm occurs, the system immediately displays it in red in the Transactions Tab. The
alarm will be categorized as either an Anti-Tamper or a Forced Entry type. At this point, you will
take action according to your facility’s security plan. In a small facility, you may simply dispatch a
person to physically investigate the source of the alarm. In larger facilities with I/O devices in the
system, the alarm may trigger a video recorder, a lighting plan, or other I/O device. In either
case, you will respond to the alarm in WAMS Transactions using the alarms tab.
As with the Transactions Tab, you can sort the alarms in ascending and descending order with a
column, and change the order in which the columns display, and create an Alarms Tree.