User's Manual

You can use a local reader to scan the card credentials. Select
Reader, and then use the drop-down list to navigate to the reader
where the card will be scanned. When you are ready to scan the
card, select the Scan button. You will have 30 seconds to scan the
card. When recognized, the number will display in the Credential
Number text box.
Select Finish and return to the Credential Setup dialog box.
NOTE: You may need to expand the drop-down list to view all available readers. Use
the highlighted area in the lower right corner.
To register a Prox Card Credential:
1. Select Prox Card from the list on the left. The User Prox Card Credential Number dialog
box opens.
2. Enter a Credential Number manually (must be less than 16 characters, zeros will be
prepended) or select a scan device:
USB Card Reader
If you have a USB Card reader connected to your computer, select USB
Card Reader.
When you are ready to scan the card, select the Scan button. You will
have 30 seconds to scan the card. When recognized, the number will
display in the Credential Number text box.
Select Finish and return to the Credential Setup dialog box.
Serial Card Reader
If you have a Serial Card Reader connected to your computer, select
Serial Card Reader and then select the appropriate com port from the
drop-down list.
When you are ready to scan the card, select the Scan button. You will
have 30 seconds to scan the card. When recognized, the number will
display in the Credential Number text box.
Select Finish and return to the Credential Setup dialog box.