User's Manual

Adding a Credential Type
At least one credential type must be defined for the system. The default credential type in WAMS
is Keypad. If you use other then keypad credential types, you can add them to the User
Credentials Setup dialog box. For example, if your facility will use Smart cards, you can add
Smart Card to the list.
To add a card type to the list:
1. In the Users Credentials Setup dialog box, select the Add button. The Add Credential to
User dialog box opens.
2. Select the Credential Type from the drop-down list.
3. Select Finish. The User <Smart Card> Credential Number Setting dialog box opens.
The default Credential Number displays in the text box at the top.
4. If you selected a user before you added the new type, you can enter or scan in the
credential number. If you did not select a user, select Finish to return to the User
Credentials Setup dialog box. The new credential type will display in the list of types.