User's Manual

Transaction Types
The WAMS database records transactions by category. Under normal operating conditions, the
most common transaction types will be Entry and Request to Exit. The system recognizes
various alarm and status categories, such as:
Alarm Cleared (All)
Alarm Cleared (Forced Entry)
Organizing and Sorting Transactions
WAMS makes it easy to manage high transaction traffic. You could view every transaction in the
system, real time. However, in large systems where hundreds of transactions can occur in a very
short time, you may want to limit the transactions displayed, or group them in a way that makes
sense for system activity. For example, you can limit the transactions list to only those that
occurred in the last ten minute timespan; you can sort ascending or descending by column
header; and you can arrange the columns in any order you wish. In addition, you can create a
hierarchy, rather than a columnar view.
Display by Timespan
By default, WAMS Transactions displays all transactions in the order they occur. If you are
monitoring all transactions, you may want to simply watch them as they occur. However, in large
systems, your effort may best be served by limiting transactions to only those that have occurred
in the previous ten minutes, or previous hour. WAMS gives you a number of options from All to
year to date.
To set the display timespan:
1. In the Transactions Tab, select the Facility you wish to monitor.
2. Under Timespan, select the timespan you wish to display from the drop-down list. The
display list on the right changes to reflect your selection.