User's Manual

4. Under Company logo, click the Change link. Use the Select Logo browser to navigate
the file you wish to include.
5. Click Open. The file is now uploaded to the WAMS Reports settings.
6. Click Finish to save your settings and begin working with Reports.
Generating a Report
This section presents steps to create some example reports. Once you are familiar with the basic
operations, you will be able to create your own reports using the selections available in WAMS
Reports. First we’ll look at a Users of Readers report with All Users selected. Then we’ll look at a
filtered report using the options under the Report Settings categories.
NOTE: The Reports application won’t show much data until you have configured your system,
added Users and User Groups, and begun collecting transactions. Once this occurs, you can
experiment with the options to get the reports that will be most significant for your operation.
To Generate a Report:
1. In the WAMS Reports main screen, under the User Reports box, click on Users of
Readers. WAMS Reports opens at the basic users of Readers Reports generator.
2. In the Facility box, select the Facility you wish to report on.
3. Available report settings are listed on the left, and the results are shown on the right. For
this particular report, the default will be <All Readers>.
4. Use the scroll bars to view the data, use menu icons to export, print, scroll through multi-
paged reports, or use the Zoom tools to get a closer look.
5. If you have a large number of readers, Click the Toggle Group Tree icon and highlight a
specific reader to jump to its section in the report.
Menu Bar
Toggle Group
Tree Icon