User's Manual

If you are the Program Administrator responsible for setting up communications between WAMS
software and system portals and readers; you will spend most of your time using WAMS
Configurator. If you are in personnel or security, you may be the person who adds users to the
system and gives them access priviliges and IDs. You will spend most of your time on the Users
tab of the WAMS Configurator. If you are responsible to oversee security for your organization,
you will monitor all access and alarm activity using WAMS Transactions. If you are the person
responsible to ensure the system is operating at maximum performance, you will use the WAMS
Statistics Monitor. If your organization is small, you may use all three!
Once the software is installed, you will find the WAMS Configurator shortcut on your desktop.
You can access all applicaltions from the WAMS Configurator main menu. You can also access
these applications from the Windows Start Menu.
WAMS Users
WAMS Users, as opposed to reader users, are those individuals who will operate one or all of
WAMS software applications. For example, a WAMS User might be a person in the Security
department who will use only WAMS Transaction software to monitor system access activity.
Another WAMS User might be a person in Human Resources or Administration who is assigned
to add users to the system, or change their settings.
Most WAMS users will be added to the system as reader users because they will have some type
of physical access to the facility, but they must also be assigned as WAMS Users and be given
Usernames and Passwords if they are to access and operate WAMS application software.
User Types
WAMS Users can be one of four User Types: Administrator, Manager, Service, and General.
You will be assigned a User Type depending on which WAMS applications you will log in to and