Product Manual

3 - ENG
WARNING: This product may not be equipped with a spark-arresting muffler. If
the product is not equipped and will be used around flam ma ble ma teri als or on land
covered with materials such as agricultural crops, forest, brush, grass or other similar
items, then an ap proved spark arrester must be installed and is legally required in the
state of California. It is a violation of California statutes section 130050 and/or sec tions
4442 and 4443 of the California Public Re sourc es Code, unless the engine is equipped
with a spark arrester, as defined in section 4442, and maintained in ef fec tive work ing
order. Spark arresters are also required on some U.S. For est Service land and may also
be legally required under other statutes andor di nanc es.
Spilled gas o line and it’s vapors can
be come ignited from cigarette sparks,
electrical arcing, exhaust gas es and hot
engine components such as themuffler.
Shut off en gine and allow it to cool before
adding fuel to thetank.
Use care in fill ing tank to avoid spill ing fuel.
Move pressure wash er away from fueling
area before start ingen gine.
Heat will ex pand fuel in the tank which
could result in spillage and pos si ble
Keep maximum fuel level 1/2" (12.7mm)
be low bottom of filler neck to allow
Operating the pressure washer in an
ex plo sive en viron ment could re sult in
Operate and fuel equipment in well-ventilat-
ed areas free from ob structions. Equip
areas with fire extinguisher suit able for gas-
o linefires.
Materials placed against or near the
pressure washer can in ter fere with
its proper ventilation fea tures caus ing
overheating and possible ig ni tion of
Never op er ate pressure wash er in an area
containing dry brush orweeds.
Muffler exhaust heat can damage
paint ed sur fac es, melt any material
sen si tive to heat (such as siding, plastic,
rub ber, vinyl or the pressure hose,
itself), and dam age liveplants.
Always keep pressure washer a minimum
of 4' (1.2m) away from surfac es (such as
houses, au to mo biles or live plants) that could
be damaged from muffler exhaustheat.
• Improperly stored fuel could lead to
acciden tal ignition. Fuel im prop er ly
secured could get into the hands of
children or oth er un qual i fiedpersons.
Store fuel in an OSHA approved contain er,
in a se cure location away from workarea.
Use of acids, toxic or cor ro sive
chemicals, poisons, in sec ti cides, or
any kind of flam ma ble solvent with this
product could re sult in se ri ous injury
Do not spray flammableliquids.
Job Name: 31925 FNA STANLEY 7108823 MANUAL
PDF Page: SXPW3124_2823 pw manual 7108823 rev 0 03142017.p3.pdf
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Job Name: 31925 FNA STANLEY 7108823 MANUAL
PDF Page: SXPW3124_2823 pw manual 7108823 rev 0 03142017_DBL.p3.pdf
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