User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Configuring and Operating the Orion Reader Using TCP Commands
Use or disclosure of Proprietary Information contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction stated on the title page of this document. 6-103
Append Data ControlThis field controls whether the time and date time-stamp is
appended to all tag asynchronous responses.
Table 6-178 Get Asynchronous Response Append Data Command (0003H)
Get Asynchronous Response Append Data Response Data Payload
Bits 7–0
Get Asynchronous Response Append Data Command (MSB) 00H
Get Asynchronous Response Append Data Command (LSB) 03H
Table 6-179 Get Asynchronous Response Append Data Response
Get Asynchronous Response Append Command Data Payload
Bit 7
Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Get Asynchronous Response Append Data Command (MSB) 00H
Get Asynchronous Response Append Data Command (LSB) 03H
Reserved Append
Append Data
0 Disable
1 Append time and date time-stamp