User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Orion Reader System Guide
6-116 Use or disclosure of Proprietary Information contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction stated on the title page of this document.
Reserved 8208H
Data Acknowledge Response Error 8209H
Reserved 820AH
Asynchronous Error Status Responses 42XXH
Message Length Error 4200H
Command Sequence Error 4201H
Reserved 4202H
Command Group Error 4203H
Command Time-out Error 4204H
Reserved 4205H
Command Failed Error 4206H
System Command Error 4207H
Sub-Command Error 4208H
Reserved 4209H
Invalid Control Word Error 420AH
Invalid Command Data Error System 420BH
Unsolicited Error Status Responses 22XXH
Synchronous Control Status Responses 81XXH
Data Acknowledge (Ack), data valid 8100H
Data Negative Acknowledge (Nack), data invalid 8101H
Reserved 8102H
Reserved 8104H
Asynchronous Control Status Responses 41XXH
Table 6-200 Mode Command Group Responses
Mode Command Group Responses