User's Manual

Table Of Contents
System Diagnostics and Preventive Maintenance
Use or disclosure of Proprietary Information contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction stated on the title page of this document. 9-19
TagTransaction Configuration
Command Error
This error indicates that an invalid tag transaction configuration
command was sent to the reader. This error could prevent the
Orion Reader’s ability to transact with tags.
Tag Transaction Sequence
Command Error
This error indicates that an invalid tag transaction sequence
command was sent to the reader. This error could prevent the
Orion Reader’s ability to transact with tags.
Reserved N/A 000AH
Reserved N/A 000BH
Reserved N/A 000CH
Reserved N/A 000DH
Reserved N/A 000EH
Reserved N/A 000FH
Buffer Management Create
Queue Error
This error indicates that the creation of a BM queue failed. This
error could prevent the Orion Reader’s ability to transact with
Get Buffer Management
Buffer Error
This error indicates that the get BM buffer failed. This error
could prevent the Orion Reader’s ability to transact with tags.
Return Buffer Management
Buffer Error
This error indicates that the return BM buffer failed. This error
could prevent the Orion Reader’s ability to transact with tags.
Get System Queue
Identification (ID) Error
This error indicates that getting the system queue identification
failed. This error could prevent the Orion Reader’s ability to
transact with tags.
Error Recovery Event One or more of the errors recovered. 0014H
Product ID Error This error indicates that the Orion Reader was set to an
unsupported protocol.
Queue Create Error This error indicates that the message queues create failed. This
error could prevent the Orion Reader’s ability to transact with
Task Create Error This error indicates that the creation of a tag interface task
failed. This error could prevent the Orion Reader’s ability to
transact with tags.
Reserved N/A 0018H
Reserved N/A 0019H
Tag Interface Module
Configuration Initialization
This error indicates that the tag interface configuration
initialization failed. This error could prevent the Orion Reader’s
ability to transact with tags.
Table 9-9 Tag Interface Module Errors (0004H) (continued)