User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Orion Reader System Guide
9-26 Use or disclosure of Proprietary Information contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction stated on the title page of this document.
Diagnostic Module Error Numbers
Table 9-13 contains the diagnostic module (DM) error numbers and log entry descrip-
Get Status Command Failure
This error indicates that the “Get Status Command” failed. This
error could prevent the Orion Reader’s ability to transact with
13-MHz Control Command
Failure Error
This error indicates that the “13-MHz Control Command” failed.
This error could prevent the Orion Reader’s ability to transact
with tags.
RF Transceiver Reset
Command Failure Error
This error indicates that the “RF Transceiver Reset Command”
failed. This error could prevent the Orion Reader’s ability to
transact with tags.
Reference Synchronization
Command Failure Error
This error indicates that the “Reference Synchronization
Command” failed. This error could prevent the Orion Reader’s
ability to transact with tags.
Table 9-12 RFTransceiver Interface Module Errors (0007H) (continued)
Table 9-13 Diagnostic Module Error Numbers (0008H)
Log Entry Description
Reserved N/A 0000H
Buffer Management Create
Queue Error
This error indicates that the creation of a BM queue failed. 0001H
Memory Allocate Error This error indicates that allocation of memory failed. 0002H
System Queue ID Retrieve
This error indicates that getting the system queue identification
Connect Interrupt Handler
This error indicates that connecting the interrupt handler failed. 0004H
Enable Interrupt Error This error indicates that enabling the interrupt failed. 0005H
Get Buffer Management
Buffer Error
This error indicates that the get BM buffer failed. 0006H
Retur n Buffer Management
Buffer Error
This error indicates that the return BM buffer failed. 0007H
Illegal Command Code Error This error indicates that illegal command was sent to the
reader for setting the frequency.
Message Queue Send Error This error indicates that the message queue send failed. 0009H
Message Queue Receive
This error indicates that the message queue receive failed. 000AH