User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Orion Reader System Guide
A-4 Use or disclosure of Proprietary Information contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction stated on the title page of this document.
CMD command
command data set that is recognized by the receiving device as intending to elicit a specific
CPU central processing unit
CR carriage return
CRC cyclic redundancy check
crossover cable Ethernet cable equivalent of a null modem for serial cables. The crossover cable is
used so that two systems that use the same transmit and receive pins on the RJ-45 con-
nector can communicate.
CS commission status
CSN command sequence number
CTRL control
CTS clear to send
CVISN Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks application, an ASTM Draft
6 Specification
CW continuous wave
DAC digital-to-analog converter
data information that is processed by a computing device
DC direct current
dB decibel(s)
decibel(s), referencing isotropic radiator
DIAG diagnostic (command)
DIO digital input/output
DIOM digital input/output module
DL downlink
DLL dynamic link library
DM diagnostic module
DOM depth of modulation
DSR data set ready