User's Manual

Table Of Contents
I-1 Use or disclosure of Proprietary Information contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction listed on the title page of this document.
COM 1 properties dialog box, 9-7
Command group 9
reader system configuration
Command-based pre- and post-conditions, AI1200-emulation, 1-
Command-based pre- and post-conditions, UDP, 1-3
Communicating via COM2 port, 9-4
Communicating via diagnostic port (COM2), 9-4
TCP/IP Fast Ethernet connection,
TCP/IP Fast Ethernet protocol
TCP/IP Fast Ethernet protocol message fields, 5-4
Component specifications
Orion Reader,
Toll Antenna 1-3
Toll Antenna, 1-3
Toll antenna environmental specifications,
Components checklist 2-4
optional equipment, 2-4
Configuring a lane
marking read zone
guidelines, 8-4
required supplies, 8-4
purpose, 8-3
Configuring and operating
chapter organization,
tag transaction configuration group commands
set time-division parameters
secondary or slave select count
scenario 1,
6-111, 1-18
scenario 2, 6-111, 1-18
scenario 3, 6-111, 1-18
secondary or slave select count, 6-111, 1-18
TCP commands
diagnostic command group commands (0200H)
clear error logs, 6-139
get diagnostic interface status, 6-138
get diagnostic status, 6-133
get error log, 6-138
get number of error logs, 6-139
response data, 6-129
responses, 6-127
unsolicited diagnostic status reports, 6-133
digital I/O command responses, 6-38
digital I/O group commands (4000H)
digital I/O asynchronous reports
sensor input report,
sensor status change report, 6-43
digital I/O asynchronous reports, 6-43
get digital I/O minimum presence true period, 6-61
get digital I/O mode, 6-73
get digital I/O output host control, 6-51
get digital I/O output pulse duration, 6-58
get digital I/O output tag read control, 6-52
get digital I/O port configuration, 6-64
get digital I/O port status, 6-71
get digital I/O presence RF control algorithm, 6-67
get digital I/O presence RF control time-out period, 6-
get digital I/O RF control, 6-55
get digital I/O RF multiplexing mode, 6-56
get digital I/O sensor input inversion, 6-63
get digital I/O sensor input report, 6-66
get digital I/O sensor status change report, 6-47
get external interrupt control, 6-76
set digital I/O minimum presence true period, 6-60
set digital I/O mode, 6-73
set digital I/O output host control, 6-48
set digital I/O output pulse duration, 6-57
set digital I/O output tag read control, 6-52
set digital I/O port configuration, 6-63
set digital I/O presence RF control algorithm, 6-66
set digital I/O presence RF control time-out period, 6-
set digital I/O RF control, 6-53
set digital I/O RF multiplexing mode, 6-55
set digital I/O sensor input inversion, 6-62
set digital I/O sensor input report, 6-66
set digital I/O sensor status change report, 6-46
set external interrupt control, 6-74
mode command group commands (0400H)
get mode, 6-122
get protocol, 6-124
get seen count, 6-125
response data, 6-118
responses, 6-115
set mode, 6-121
set protocol, 6-123
set seen count, 6-124
RF transceiver group commands (2000H)
get data detect, 6-86
get frequency in MHz, 6-93
get line loss, 6-88
get RF attenuation, 6-84
get uplink source control, 6-89
RF transceiver command group response data, 6-80
RF transceiver command group responses, 6-78
set data detect, 6-85
set frequency in MHz, 6-90
set line loss, 6-87
set RF attenuation, 6-83
set uplink source control, 6-88