Operations Manual

Operation | 21 20 | Operation
My hearing aids have the following telephone setting(s):
Automatic Telephone Memory and Automatic Telecoil�
See below
Manual Telephone Memory and Manual Telecoil�
See next page (Memory # ________________ )
Automatic Telephone Memory and
Automatic Telecoil
These options activate the telephone memory
automatically when used with a hearing aid
compatible telephone� To use, place the telephone
receiver on your ear as you normally would and the
hearing aid will automatically select the telephone
memory� It might be necessary to move the telephone
receiver slightly to find the best reception� Once the
telephone is removed from the ear, the hearing aid
will switch back to the last used memory
NOTE: Consult with your hearing professional if your
hearing aid does not switch to the telephone memory
automatically, if it is enabled�
Manual Telephone Memory and Manual Telecoil
Manual access allows you to switch the hearing aids
into a telephone or telecoil memory, as needed� Ask
your hearing professional which memory you should
access for manual telephone use�
General Telephone Use
Some hearing aids work best
by holding the phone close
to, but not fully covering
your ear� In some instances,
if you encounter whistling
(feedback), tilt the receiver at
an angle until the whistling
stops� Additionally, the hearing
aid in the non-phone ear (ear
opposite the phone) may
switch to a telephone setting
to reduce background sounds�
Your hearing professional
can provide instructions and
techniques for your specific