Operation Manual

Hearing System Care
Instrument Care
Do your best to keep your hearing instrument clean at all
poor performance.
• Cleandailyoverasoftclothtopreventdamagefroma
fall to a hard surface
• Useacleaningbrushtocleandebrisfromaroundthe
microphone, receiver and battery compartment
• Neverusewater,solvents,cleaninguidsoroiltoclean
your instrument
Your hearing care professional can provide further
information on additional maintenance procedures for your
hearing system if needed.
Helpful Hints
• Whennotwearingyourhearinginstruments,openthe
battery door to allow any moisture to evaporate
• Whennotinuse,removethebatteriescompletely;place
your hearing system in the storage container and store:
– In a dry, safe place
Away from direct sunlight or heat to avoid extreme
– Where you can easily find them
– Safely out of reach of pets and children
• Donottakeapartyourhearinginstrumentsorinsertthe
cleaning tools inside them