User's Manual

The name of the file is composed of hours, minutes, seconds and the camera’s channel
numbers. For example, ‘15373501.sgv’ means that the file has recorded for 15 hours 37
minutes and 35 seconds from channel number 1. For 15224201.sgvx, ‘x’ means the file
is locked to protect from deleting. To lock or unlock the file, select “LOCK” and press
[ENT]. The locked files are not to be deleted before you unlock it. However, locked files
can be deleted if you do the format (“OPTION” mode “8.OTHERS” “4.DATA
‘*.sgv’ indicates that it is a file with moving images. ‘*.sgvx’ indicates that it is locked
moving images, and ‘*.sgp’ is the snapshot images.
After selecting the file that you want to search, press [ENT]. Then the next screen
appears as below.
#37: Current frame number being played
143: Number of total frames
+ : It alternated between + and – while playing the audio
09:09:49 : Current playback time from the recorded file
(48) : Total recorded time (48 minutes)
C1 : Camera number being played
: Current playing time position in total recorded time frame
|<: Go to the Start of the file
>|: Go to the End of the file
<<: Move backward by 30 frames
>>: Move forward by 30 frames
|>: Move forward by 1 frame