User's Manual

recognizes the difference, and this “2.SAVE AC” function is needed separately from
“3.SAVE BAT”. In the case that you want to record objects passing once and quickly
before the Self-Guard, then turn off this function.
It can also extend the lifetime of the external battery pack (SG-938) by setting
this function to ON.
Caution: Set it to OFF when using the Remote Access (LAN) or the Bluetooth
4-9-3-3. SAVE BAT: ON
This function is to save the battery by using the low-powering technology. If there is no
motion then the Self-Guard goes into the sleep-mode. After 2 seconds have elapsed,
the Self-Guard wake up and check if there is a motion. If there is no motion then the
Self-Guard goes into sleep-mode again, but if there is a motion then the Self-Guard
start to record. This low-powering technology is very important when you are using the
battery as power source for the Self-Guard. In the case that you want to record objects
passing once and quickly before the Self-Guard, then turn off this function.
Caution: Set it to off when using the Remote Access (LAN) or the Bluetooth
4-9-3-4. ULTRA SAV: ON
This function is used when you are using the battery to operate the Self-Guard, and to
maximize the battery’s life time. If you turn on this function, then the Self-Guard goes
into the Ultra Power Save mode if no motion is detected for 10 minutes. In order for the
Self-Guard to come out of this mode, it has to detect an audio. Self-Guard does not
come out of the Ultra Power Save mode even if it detects motions if you set on this
function. Accordingly, even if there is a motion detected by the Self-Guard, it does not
record data if there is no audio detected after the Self-Guard goes into this mode. Be
very careful of using this function in such places where there may be no audio detected
by the Self-Guard at all.
Caution: Set it to off when using the Remote Access (LAN) or the Bluetooth
4-9-3-5. VIDEO TIME: 2
You need to set the “VIDEO TIME” (0-9 seconds) to record the images when the
camera detects motions. For example, if you set the “VIDEO TIME” to 2, then the Self-