User's Manual

This function is to put in the Self-Guard’s name, and used to back up the data of many
Self-Guards to the RS-MMC or USB memory devices (USB Memory or USB Hard Disk).
Self-Guard creates a directory name by the date, and the file name by the time. So, if
there already exists a directory name backed up to the RS-MMC or USB memory from
another Self-Guard, and you want to back up a directory created on the same date by
another Self-Guard, then the existing directory name in the RS-MMC or USB memory
gets over-written by the new data from the other Self-Guard. To prevent this when you
are backing up the data to the RS-MMC or USB memory devices, you need to make a
name for each Self-Guard, and create directory names for all the Self-Guards in the
USB memory in order to back up the data to the RS-MMC or USB memory under the
correct Self-Guard’s name in the RS-MMC or USB memory devices. Of all the data in
the USB memory backed up from the Self-Guards, Self-Guard is designed to search
only for the file, which has the same directory name in your Self-Guard and in the RS-
MMC or USB memory device. But, you can search the data of other Self-Guards
backed up in the RS-MMC or USB memory device with your Self-Guard if you change
your Self-Guard’s name to that specific Self-Guard’s, which you want to search with.
Then the searching program recognizes your Self-Guard as the other, and you can
search the data of the other Self-Guard.
You can change the name by using the direction buttons. Press [ENT] to save the
changed name, and press [ESC] to cancel the changed name.
RS-MMC or USB memory devices must be inserted into the Self-Guard when you want
to search for SG names registered in those devices. Select a SG name and press
[ENT] to search for a file under the selected SG name