User Manual

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U2, Shadow, Clipper, PRO
10. Note the type of spacer installed
11. If the gimbal housing bearing needs to be shifted to the left as
noted in step 5a, this means that the spacer on the left side of yoke
will need to be decreased (i.e. go from .000 to -.001) and the spacer
on the right will need to be increased (i.e. go from .000 to +.001).
12. Replace spacers as required, re-assemble gimbal, verify that there
is no Left – Right play in the gimbal, and repeat steps 4-11 as required
until the gimbal is balanced.
13. Note that if the gimbal cannot be balanced within approximately
1-deg of accuracy, make sure all clamps, plates, camera and whatever
else might shift or become loose is stable and not shifting the balance
point, and re-test.
You can now y with the upgraded
yoke OR install the Steadicam
starting on page 25.