Operation Manual

Ensure that the plug is pulled out of the socket and the
appliance is cooled down completely, before cleaning.
Set the switch to „0
Never immerse the appliance into water
Never immerse water on the window when it is still hot.
Clean the door, the metal parts in the interior and the surface
with soap water. After that dry all washed parts with a dry cloth.
Don´t use aberasive Materials, acid cleaners, or steel wool for
Put into operation
Put the pizza pan on the driver of the rotary plate and place the pizza stone into the
Close the lid
Set the thermostat to medium temperature and turn the switch to upper and lower
heat . The red light shines and the green light clocks
Set the timer to 10 minutes
The device will pre-heat. After 10 minutes, open the lid and place the pizza onto the
stone. Bake as described in the recipe suggestions.
Fresh, thin dough ca. 4mm 10 – 15 min, upp./low. Heat, max temperature
Fresh, thick dough ca. 6mm 15 min, upp./low. Heat, max temperature
Frozen pizza 8 – 10 min, upp./low. Heat, max temperature
If the pizza is not crispy enough, set the switch to lower heat and bake for further
5 minutes.
Do not place frozen pizzas with aluminum plates or any other packaging into
the device. Do not cover with aluminum foil!