User Manual

Recording and Editing Macros
Macro recording and editing is done using the buttons highlighted in the diagram above.
Macro Recording
You can record a new macro or rerecord by selecting Start. When the editor is recording,
the red light will blink and the Start button will become a Stop button that ends recording.
If you forget to select Stop, recording times-out after two minutes of inactivity. Recording
will also stop when you have reached the maximum number of events.
There are three different types of events: keyboard,
button, and delay. Keyboard and button events
come in down/up pairs (for when the key/button is
pushed down and let up).
Editing and Deleting Events
You can easily make adjustments to macros by editing, inserting, or deleting events rather
than rerecording them entirely. Delete events by right-clicking them in the macro editor and
selecting Delete from the dropdown menu. This deletes up/down pairs and corresponding
delays for key and button events. The dropdown menu for delays and keyboard events
also includes Edit. Selecting this option or double-clicking the event changes it into an
editable field. Type your custom value and click off the event.
Insert Delay
If you right-click on a link between non-delay events you have the option to insert a delay.
The default value of this newly inserted delay is 15ms.
Delay Options
In addition to typing custom values and inserting delays there is a Delay Options menu that
you can open by selecting the gear icon. Fixed Delay inserts a user-specified value for
delays between all events and No Delay deletes all delays. They also alter delays while
recording. As Recorded sets delays to their originally recorded values. Custom Delay
becomes selected after you edit delay events, but it is disabled again after you revert these
changes by selecting one of the other delay options.
Macro Management
Macro management is similar to configuration management. The collapsible Macro List
Panel and New button echo configuration management. The only actions available in the
Macro List Panel are creating, deleting, and renaming macros. Select New to create a new
macro and right click or select the gear icon of a macro to open a menu with Delete and
Rename options.