
Optional OEM Written Warranty
If an original equipment manufacturer ("OEM") refuses to honor the OEM's written warranty
solely because you have purchased and used Stens replacement parts in the OEM's product, then
Stens will allow you to substitute the rights and remedies provided to you under the OEM's
written warranty for this EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY. To be eligible for this
OPTIONAL OEM WARRANTY, you must obtain from the OEM and provide to Stens written
confirmation from the OEM that it, the OEM, has refused to honor the OEM written warranty
solely because you purchased and used Stens replacement parts in the OEM's product.
Website: https://www.stens.com/
Manufacturers’ warranties may not apply in all cases, depending on factors such as use of the product,
where the product was purchased, or who you purchased the product from. Please review the warranty
carefully, and contact the manufacturer if you have any questions.